Webmin install debian

Webmin is a web-based tool that lets you manage a server remotely, it works through the apache server and can be accessed from any computer. It is ideal to quickly perform an action on a PC that is not in the same category site, it is recommended to run a secure http (https). Webmin you too

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What is a network

A network is a collection of interconnected devices that data (data) exchanging among each other. These may be computers, network printers, camera’s, NAS, Televisions. These devices can both physically (with cable) or a wireless connection in the network. The purpose of a network is that these facilities (programma’s, data, equipment) can be shared, at least if you are connected to it

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Het OSI-model

What is the OSI model The seven-layer model (OSI) and the TCP / IP reference model have much in common. Both describe a set of general guidelines and implementations of specific network protocols to enable computers over the network to communicate with each other. The OSI model which stands for Model for Open Systems Interconnection, consists of 7 Act. The DoD model or TCP/IP model exists

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