Computer abbreviations
Secure your Raspberry Pi overclocking (openelec)

Once you have installed on your OpenELEC raspberry pi question you may be wondering, how can I now still overclock. This can be done as follows:
» Read moreIcefilms XBMC
The first thing you should do is download the zip file and icefilms move to public downloads, This folder is shared by default in windows and is easily reached via XBMC.
» Read moreFreenas Error: Unable to GPT format the disk “ada0”

1. Login via SSH, execute commands below. 2. sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=0x10 3. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ada4 bs=512 count=1 && dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ada5 bs=512 count=1 4. Log into web interface and use “View Disks” to wipe the drives in that interface 5. Create new ZFS volume including these disks.
» Read moreNum lock switch when the computer starts

You've probably already experienced: you start your computer and you want to log, but your password appears to be wrong more. After attempts to introduce you come to the conclusion that the num lock key was not yet and numbers in your password is not recognized. You can customize it by a simple operation register.
» Read moreWebmin install debian

Webmin is a web-based tool that lets you manage a server remotely, it works through the apache server and can be accessed from any computer. It is ideal to quickly perform an action on a PC that is not in the same category site, it is recommended to run a secure http (https). Webmin you too
» Read moreFree up space on your HDD or SDD

Hard drives very quickly get crowded, especially your SSD usually of limited size is to reduce costs. A 60GB SSD is especially fast full installation of windows and the software you use.
» Read moreWhat is a network

A network is a collection of interconnected devices that data (data) exchanging among each other. These may be computers, network printers, camera’s, NAS, Televisions. These devices can both physically (with cable) or a wireless connection in the network. The purpose of a network is that these facilities (programma’s, data, equipment) can be shared, at least if you are connected to it
» Read moreHet OSI-model

What is the OSI model The seven-layer model (OSI) and the TCP / IP reference model have much in common. Both describe a set of general guidelines and implementations of specific network protocols to enable computers over the network to communicate with each other. The OSI model which stands for Model for Open Systems Interconnection, consists of 7 Act. The DoD model or TCP/IP model exists
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