Registry tweaks for Windows XP
Forget the backup fails
We can not repeat it enough: Before you start work on the register, you must first create a backup. This prevents a lot of trouble if you do something wrong.
Are you hesitant to immediately dive under the hood itself, first try once Tweak UI (exe-bestand). This is a Microsoft tool with a graphical interface, which increases the ease of use. With Tweak UI allows you to customize a lot more settings than with the standard XP interface. For example, the Taskbar- and Explorer settings.
Forget the backup fails
We can not repeat it enough: Before you start work on the register, you must first create a backup. This prevents a lot of trouble if you do something wrong.
Are you hesitant to immediately dive under the hood itself, first try once Tweak UI (exe-bestand). This is a Microsoft tool with a graphical interface, which increases the ease of use. With Tweak UI allows you to customize a lot more settings than with the standard XP interface. For example, the Taskbar- and Explorer settings.
Forget the backup fails
We can not repeat it enough: Before you start work on the register, you must first create a backup. This prevents a lot of trouble if you do something wrong.
Are you hesitant to immediately dive under the hood itself, first try once Tweak UI (exe-bestand). This is a Microsoft tool with a graphical interface, which increases the ease of use. With Tweak UI allows you to customize a lot more settings than with the standard XP interface. For example, the Taskbar- and Explorer settings.Forget the backup fails
We can not repeat it enough: Before you start work on the register, you must first create a backup. This prevents a lot of trouble if you do something wrong.
Are you hesitant to immediately dive under the hood itself, first try once Tweak UI (exe-bestand). This is a Microsoft tool with a graphical interface, which increases the ease of use. With Tweak UI allows you to customize a lot more settings than with the standard XP interface. For example, the Taskbar- and Explorer settings.
For those who did not know: you come into the registry editor by:
1. Click Start
2. Perform
3. Type: “regedit” (without quotation stabbing) and press Enter
Disable balloon tips XP
XP has the property that if you go with your mouse over a button assumes a yellow balloon tip will appear. Many find that annoying. In the registry, you can disable this balloon tips.
* Kies in de Register-editor HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> Explorer >> Advanced.
* In the right pane and choose New >> DWORD Value.
* Call this Enable Balloon Tips.
* Right now Enable Balloon Tips, and then click Change.
* Fill in the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, in Value data, 0 in.
* Click OK to close the dialog.
* Sluit de Register-editor.
No shared documents
Standard XP makes the folder Shared documents. This folder contains several subfolders, such as Shared Music and Shared Pictures. If you never use it, remove the leaflet (en subfolders) with the shared documents.
* Kies in de Register-editor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> Explorer >> MyComputer >> NameSpace >> DelegateFolders.
* Right-click the subkey {50931a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee} and choose Delete.
* Confirm with Yes.
* Sluit de Register-editor.
Retarded remove DLLs
Every time you uninstall a program, there is a possibility that so-called DLL files remain on your PC. In time, the size of these files can get some size. Moreover, they are no longer needed. To remove the DLL files, do the following:
* Klik in de Register-editor in het linkervenster op HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> SharedDLLs.
* In the right pane contains the DLL files on your machine. Has a DLL value 0 then the DLL is not used by Windows and is probably redundant.
TIP: By simultaneously start Windows Explorer, you can check whether the mentioned DLLs and associated programs are still on your hard drive. Is it a program that you have already removed, dan kun je óók de DLL wissen. DLL’s die in de WindowsSystem directory staan, may still be in use by Windows. Removing these DLL 's why we recommend you off.
Name of owner change
Have you bought your second PC or notebook, then chances are that Windows XP still in the name of the previous owner. You can change this data.
* Klik in de Register-editor in het linkervenster op HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows NT >> CurrentVersion. In the right pane, you see the values RegisteredOwner and Registered Organization are right the current data.
* Double RegisteredOwner and change the user.
* Make a double-Registered Organization and change the company name.
* Close the Registry Editor by clicking the cross top right.
* Reboot your system. The user name is changed.
Windows XP faster shutdown
Winning time is always welcome. To make XP shut down faster, do the following:
* Go to the Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Control Panel Desktop and change / add the following string values:
HungAppTimeout = 4000
WaitToKillAppTimeout = 4000
WaitToKillServiceTimeout = 4000
AutoEndTasks = 1
Empty Recycle Bin context menu
With this tweak you make a right click with your trash empty (emptying trash addition to context menu).
* Go to : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> * >> shellex >>ContextMenuHandlers and add the key {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}toe met waarde ” Empty Recycle Bin”
* Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> * >> shellex >> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin
@=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}" (@ Mean value)
* Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Directory >> Background >> shellex >> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin met @=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
* Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Directory >> shellex>> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin met @=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
* Finally, go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Folder >> shellex >> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin met @=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
For those who did not know: you come into the registry editor by:
1. Click Start
2. Perform
3. Type: “regedit” (without quotation stabbing) and press Enter
Disable balloon tips XP
XP has the property that if you go with your mouse over a button assumes a yellow balloon tip will appear. Many find that annoying. In the registry, you can disable this balloon tips.
* Kies in de Register-editor HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> Explorer >> Advanced.
* In the right pane and choose New >> DWORD Value.
* Call this Enable Balloon Tips.
* Right now Enable Balloon Tips, and then click Change.
* Fill in the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, in Value data, 0 in.
* Click OK to close the dialog.
* Sluit de Register-editor.
No shared documents
Standard XP makes the folder Shared documents. This folder contains several subfolders, such as Shared Music and Shared Pictures. If you never use it, remove the leaflet (en subfolders) with the shared documents.
* Kies in de Register-editor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> Explorer >> MyComputer >> NameSpace >> DelegateFolders.
* Right-click the subkey {50931a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee} and choose Delete.
* Confirm with Yes.
* Sluit de Register-editor.
Retarded remove DLLs
Every time you uninstall a program, there is a possibility that so-called DLL files remain on your PC. In time, the size of these files can get some size. Moreover, they are no longer needed. To remove the DLL files, do the following:
* Klik in de Register-editor in het linkervenster op HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> SharedDLLs.
* In the right pane contains the DLL files on your machine. Has a DLL value 0 then the DLL is not used by Windows and is probably redundant.
TIP: By simultaneously start Windows Explorer, you can check whether the mentioned DLLs and associated programs are still on your hard drive. Is it a program that you have already removed, dan kun je óók de DLL wissen. DLL’s die in de WindowsSystem directory staan, may still be in use by Windows. Removing these DLL 's why we recommend you off.
Name of owner change
Have you bought your second PC or notebook, then chances are that Windows XP still in the name of the previous owner. You can change this data.
* Klik in de Register-editor in het linkervenster op HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows NT >> CurrentVersion. In the right pane, you see the values RegisteredOwner and Registered Organization are right the current data.
* Double RegisteredOwner and change the user.
* Make a double-Registered Organization and change the company name.
* Close the Registry Editor by clicking the cross top right.
* Reboot your system. The user name is changed.
Windows XP faster shutdown
Winning time is always welcome. To make XP shut down faster, do the following:
* Go to the Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Control Panel Desktop and change / add the following string values:
HungAppTimeout = 4000
WaitToKillAppTimeout = 4000
WaitToKillServiceTimeout = 4000
AutoEndTasks = 1
Empty Recycle Bin context menu
With this tweak you make a right click with your trash empty (emptying trash addition to context menu).
* Go to : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> * >> shellex >>ContextMenuHandlers and add the key {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}toe met waarde ” Empty Recycle Bin”
* Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> * >> shellex >> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin
@=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}" (@ Mean value)
* Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Directory >> Background >> shellex >> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin met @=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
* Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Directory >> shellex>> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin met @=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
* Finally, go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Folder >> shellex >> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin met @=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
For those who did not know: you come into the registry editor by:
1. Click Start
2. Perform
3. Type: “regedit” (without quotation stabbing) and press Enter
Disable balloon tips XP
XP has the property that if you go with your mouse over a button assumes a yellow balloon tip will appear. Many find that annoying. In the registry, you can disable this balloon tips.
* Kies in de Register-editor HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> Explorer >> Advanced.
* In the right pane and choose New >> DWORD Value.
* Call this Enable Balloon Tips.
* Right now Enable Balloon Tips, and then click Change.
* Fill in the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, in Value data, 0 in.
* Click OK to close the dialog.
* Sluit de Register-editor.
No shared documents
Standard XP makes the folder Shared documents. This folder contains several subfolders, such as Shared Music and Shared Pictures. If you never use it, remove the leaflet (en subfolders) with the shared documents.
* Kies in de Register-editor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> Explorer >> MyComputer >> NameSpace >> DelegateFolders.
* Right-click the subkey {50931a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee} and choose Delete.
* Confirm with Yes.
* Sluit de Register-editor.
Retarded remove DLLs
Every time you uninstall a program, there is a possibility that so-called DLL files remain on your PC. In time, the size of these files can get some size. Moreover, they are no longer needed. To remove the DLL files, do the following:
* Klik in de Register-editor in het linkervenster op HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> SharedDLLs.
* In the right pane contains the DLL files on your machine. Has a DLL value 0 then the DLL is not used by Windows and is probably redundant.
TIP: By simultaneously start Windows Explorer, you can check whether the mentioned DLLs and associated programs are still on your hard drive. Is it a program that you have already removed, dan kun je óók de DLL wissen. DLL’s die in de WindowsSystem directory staan, may still be in use by Windows. Removing these DLL 's why we recommend you off.
Name of owner change
Have you bought your second PC or notebook, then chances are that Windows XP still in the name of the previous owner. You can change this data.
* Klik in de Register-editor in het linkervenster op HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows NT >> CurrentVersion. In the right pane, you see the values RegisteredOwner and Registered Organization are right the current data.
* Double RegisteredOwner and change the user.
* Make a double-Registered Organization and change the company name.
* Close the Registry Editor by clicking the cross top right.
* Reboot your system. The user name is changed.
Windows XP faster shutdown
Winning time is always welcome. To make XP shut down faster, do the following:
* Go to the Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Control Panel Desktop and change / add the following string values:
HungAppTimeout = 4000
WaitToKillAppTimeout = 4000
WaitToKillServiceTimeout = 4000
AutoEndTasks = 1
Empty Recycle Bin context menu
With this tweak you make a right click with your trash empty (emptying trash addition to context menu).
* Go to : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> * >> shellex >>ContextMenuHandlers and add the key {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}toe met waarde ” Empty Recycle Bin”
* Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> * >> shellex >> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin
@=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}" (@ Mean value)
* Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Directory >> Background >> shellex >> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin met @=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
* Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Directory >> shellex>> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin met @=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
* Finally, go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Folder >> shellex >> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin met @=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
For those who did not know: you come into the registry editor by:
1. Click Start
2. Perform
3. Type: “regedit” (without quotation stabbing) and press Enter
Disable balloon tips XP
XP has the property that if you go with your mouse over a button assumes a yellow balloon tip will appear. Many find that annoying. In the registry, you can disable this balloon tips.
* Kies in de Register-editor HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> Explorer >> Advanced.
* In the right pane and choose New >> DWORD Value.
* Call this Enable Balloon Tips.
* Right now Enable Balloon Tips, and then click Change.
* Fill in the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, in Value data, 0 in.
* Click OK to close the dialog.
* Sluit de Register-editor.
No shared documents
Standard XP makes the folder Shared documents. This folder contains several subfolders, such as Shared Music and Shared Pictures. If you never use it, remove the leaflet (en subfolders) with the shared documents.
* Kies in de Register-editor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> Explorer >> MyComputer >> NameSpace >> DelegateFolders.
* Right-click the subkey {50931a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee} and choose Delete.
* Confirm with Yes.
* Sluit de Register-editor.
Retarded remove DLLs
Every time you uninstall a program, there is a possibility that so-called DLL files remain on your PC. In time, the size of these files can get some size. Moreover, they are no longer needed. To remove the DLL files, do the following:
* Klik in de Register-editor in het linkervenster op HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> SharedDLLs.
* In the right pane contains the DLL files on your machine. Has a DLL value 0 then the DLL is not used by Windows and is probably redundant.
TIP: By simultaneously start Windows Explorer, you can check whether the mentioned DLLs and associated programs are still on your hard drive. Is it a program that you have already removed, dan kun je óók de DLL wissen. DLL’s die in de WindowsSystem directory staan, may still be in use by Windows. Removing these DLL 's why we recommend you off.
Name of owner change
Have you bought your second PC or notebook, then chances are that Windows XP still in the name of the previous owner. You can change this data.
* Klik in de Register-editor in het linkervenster op HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> Windows NT >> CurrentVersion. In the right pane, you see the values RegisteredOwner and Registered Organization are right the current data.
* Double RegisteredOwner and change the user.
* Make a double-Registered Organization and change the company name.
* Close the Registry Editor by clicking the cross top right.
* Reboot your system. The user name is changed.
Windows XP faster shutdown
Winning time is always welcome. To make XP shut down faster, do the following:
* Go to the Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Control Panel Desktop and change / add the following string values:
HungAppTimeout = 4000
WaitToKillAppTimeout = 4000
WaitToKillServiceTimeout = 4000
AutoEndTasks = 1
Empty Recycle Bin context menu
With this tweak you make a right click with your trash empty (emptying trash addition to context menu).
* Go to : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> * >> shellex >>ContextMenuHandlers and add the key {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}toe met waarde ” Empty Recycle Bin”
* Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> * >> shellex >> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin
@=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}" (@ Mean value)
* Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Directory >> Background >> shellex >> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin met @=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
* Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Directory >> shellex>> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin met @=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"
* Finally, go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >> Folder >> shellex >> ContextMenuHandlers en voeg toe Empty Recycle Bin met @=”{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"