In this article, we use Katoolin, a script that facilitates the installation of Kali Linux tools on a Linux distribution of choice. Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux security distribution to those who are primarily concerned with security. First Penetration Testing, security audits, forensics and reverse engineering.
Reverse engineering
is researching a product (usually a product of a competitor, a weapon of an opponent is stolen, a piece of software or a communication protocol) to infer what are the requirements that the product aims to meet, or order them to determine the exact internal workings. This makes it possible (but not exclusively) with the aim of a competitive product design. A typical example is the first PC from Compaq. Blindly copying the BIOS chip would be copyright issues have brought with IBM. By reverse engineering to apply to the BIOS chip of an IBM PC, Compaq was able to make a PC that same functioned as an IBM PC. This made it possible to function the same software on a Compaq PC. However, the price of the PC was lower than that of IBM. This way of working is used by many other companies, so most PCs now actually cloned IBM PCs. Reverse engineering is developing a legal way of, but needs (often) be done under strict legal conditions. As an engineer must have no knowledge of the original, on the basis of instructions,, made by the party which used reverse engineering, placing the product in each. With reverse engineering is also meant the (automated) process by which 3GL is transferred to 4GL. Reverse engineering is also used for removing copy protection software, the so-called cracking. The term reverse engineering also covers converting a CAD model of an artist or designer handmade prototype of a new object (for example, the bodywork of a wagon, or the sheath of a toaster). This conversion is based on scanning the object, using a laser scanner, 3D coordinate measuring machine, or a stereo vision camera. A necessary step in reverse engineering is often converting the studied artifact in human-readable source code, from which the artifact then is to. In the case of computer software, wherein said assembling process of making and / or is to compile, This process is disassemble resp. decompile called. It strongly depends on the programming languages used to what extent this process is automatically run to. Also on existing source code reverse engineering possible: then it comes to deriving models – For example, UML diagrams – which describe the system in a more illuminating way than the code itself does.
It has more than 600 tools to help professional hacking. While it is generally not used as an 'ordinary' system, is specifically designed for professional pentests and security audits. As such, it is not for users who use Linux for the first time.
The best thing about Katoolin if the visa is you want from 2 worlds that you can install on your trusted Linux distribution, can a Raspberry Pi running on grater bian as transform into a full hacking system and experiment.
What you need to use Katoolin, a Gitpakket, a Debian-based Linux distribution and python 2.7.
Installing katoolin.
Open a terminal in your Linux distribution or via Putty.
Add the following commands without the #.
# sudo apt-get install git
# sudo git clone
# sudo cp roofs I / / usr / bin / non-response was
Make katoolin feasible (executable):
# chmod +x /usr/bin/katoolin
To start katoolin you must first have root acces.
# sudo su –
To start katoolin:
I was a crop failure
How to work with Katoolin.
Katoolin is very easy to work with. It has two basic missions: back to go back a step as you navigate and gohome to go to the main menu.
kind. This all utilities are installed. It looks like like Figure 10
From here you can continue experimenting with katoolin.