How To Install Google Chrome On OpenSUSE Leap

In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Google Chrome on OpenSUSE Leap 42.1. We will use the zypper package manager to add Google Chrome repository and then install it.
install Google Chrome on OpenSUSE
Add Google Chrome Repository using the following command. ar stands for add repository.
sudo zypper ar Google-Chrome
Adding repository 'Google-Chrome' ..............................................................................................................[done] Repository 'Google-Chrome' successfully added Enabled : Yes Autorefresh : No GPG Check : Yes URI :
Now refresh repository. ref is short of refresh.
sudo zypper ref
Install Google Chrome. in stands for install.
sudo zypper in google-chrome-stable
This command will install the stable version of Google Chrome. If you want beta or unstable version.
sudo zypper in google-chrome-beta sudo zypper in google-chrome-unstable
Actually you can install all three versions of Google Chrome on the same system.
Install Chromium Browser On OpenSUSE
Google Chrome is based upon an open source browser named Chromium. Google chrome has a closed-source flash player built in. If you don’t care about flash player or you just want a fast and 100% open source Web browser, then install Chromium on openSUSE with this simple command.
sudo zypper in chromium